Sahara Technologies Limited


Mohammed M. Farid

Sahara Technologies Ltd. is led by Professor Mohammed Farid who is a world-leading
researcher, academician and advisor. With over 40 years of experience in a wide range
of fields in science, technology and engineering, Professor Farid has led several national
and international projects and mentored the establishment of several industries globally.
He is passionately committed to finding innovative solutions to energy, food processing,
biofuel and waste minimisation.

How May We Help You?

Being a leading consultant in a wide range of areas we provide premier services in the following sectors

Energy Storage

Storage of renewable and non renewable forms of energy.

Food Processing

Thermal and Non-Thermal methods of food preservation and food bio-actives extraction.


Production and manufacture of biofuels and the optimization of the processes

Work With Us

We are team work enthusiasts who believe in the strength of collaborative work. We welcome industries and other businesses to partner with us.